Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't do this! Stay above that! This WILL screw up your life!

So I've been home sick for the last two days. Which translates into way too much t.v., an awful lot of water and some really bad commercials. I've seen some so many anti-drug, alcohol, and teen pregnancy ads, it's absolutely crazy! And they got me thinking.. what's the point? Because here's the thing. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I've no intention of getting pregnant. And all of that has nothing to do with any of those ads. Because they tell me what, exactly? That smoking isn't good for you? That you'll behave differently? But I already knew that! What else? Surprise! Having a baby at sixteen will mess up your life. Well, I think I speak for most teenagers when I say, well, that much has always been clear to us.

And what could they say? Well, I'm not quite sure. They could say, how to avoid becoming pregnant and what to do if you end up in that particular situation. They could, instead of being all cutesy about it, show us what drugs will do to your body when your on them, not what they'll do to your actions. And maybe they could tell you how to be safe, no matter what you doing. I'm not really sure what they say. But what I do know is that the anti-risky behavior X ads may not be doing their jobs.

To be perfectly honest, I think that you can't stop all teens from doing risky things. Physically, it is wired into our brains to have a bad sense of risks and consequences. Yes, we can try to prevent things. But I think it's just as important to help people deal with the consequences of their actions. An ad warning against getting pregnant at age fifteen isn't going to help her figure what to do if she is already pregnant. Prevention is fine, but it has to be tampered with some kind of coping mechanism.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Une Petite Poem

Poem I used for an audition piece:

I can't be this happy...
It really isn't fair.

And because it isn't fair...
I know it can't last.

And because I know it can't last...
I constantly look ahead-
- to find the end of the road ?
- a mountain to climb?
- a bend at least!

And because I constantly look ahead...
I forget to enjoy the view right here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

So as you all learned from my last post, I was in a play that was competing in the High School Drama Guild Festival. Last week was tech week and yesterday was the actual competition. Before I went all the actors/techies who'd gone before told me that this would be one of the best days of my life. And despite how much fun I'd been having I really didn't believe them. I was so wrong. From when we got on the bus at six-thirty yesterday morning to when I finally arrived home at ten-thirty, it was one of the best craziest most exciting days of my life. We competed against seven other schools, and while it was a competition there was so much camaraderie between schools. We all decided to be super friendly and ended up challenging another school is a dance off! It was an amazing mix of Irish step, backstreet boys, flamenco and hip-hop! It was the best performance we've ever had! Plus, the techies managed to set up the entire set (which is huge complex and breathtaking) in under the required five minutes- cutting about 45 seconds off there time!

Then came the awards ceremony which was an hour long affair with lots of screaming, clapping standing and jumping up and down. I've never been so proud of so many people in my life. We won multiple acting awards and awards of set, makeup and music and (a huge honor) the stage managers! It was absolutely incredible because we all had this shared joy! The judge couldn't say the name of our play which is Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection, it was great! (Interesting play by the way check it out) And yes, we did move on! (One of only three schools to do so!).

What does this all mean? Why is this post called "Sweet Sixteen"? Well what this means is that we move on the to semi-final round. Which happens to be March 14. Which happens to be pi day (3.14). And Albert Einstein's birthday. And my sixteenth birthday.

Before going to festival, I really wanted to move on. But I won't lie, I wasn't amped about spending my sixteenth birthday in this competition. Now, I've done a complete three-sixty! I am incredibly glad that we have an opportunity to compete again - a chance at John Hancock! And it's a pretty amazing way to spend your sixteenth birthday, with people you love, watching good theater, doing something you love!