Hello world!! Obviously haven't blogged in forever!!! Life got busy, other projects took over my time and this year has been pretty much altogether insane!! But it's April break now and while I've pretty much only been doing my homework, I'm forcing myself to take a break, so here's a recap on my life.
SUMMER '09 - Easily the best times of my life. SO many new experiences, so many great people.
- DARTS - I'm pretty sure there's a whole moderately long post about this - yup, yes there is. Go read it. It's the truth.
- BARCELONA - that didn't really need to be capitalized but most incredible nine days of my life. Flying by myself, switching planes. experiences a new culture, learning a whole new city with one of my best friends in the whole world.
- California w/ the fam. Crazy time with all the time changes but nonetheless flying with my friends is an experience I'll never forget - I think it was probably the last time all eight of us cousins were together (besides Christmas... so not).
The summer ended on kind of a low note with the unexpected death of my great aunt - someone who was such a force and a presence that no one ever really thought she could pass away. Coming so soon after the death of my great grandmother (who after all was 90) it was a crazy time! And then in a whirlwind of shopping and preparations - school started.
Everyone says that junior year is awful. It's actually worse. Awful. Coupled with the continued changes in my grandfather who was diagnosed with dementia - the first half of this school year was a pretty bad time of it. The courses I had to take this year are the kind that you have to take to go where I want to go, but the whole time you really wonder what exactly you are getting out of it. Not just in the normal "school is pointless" way but more like will I remember any of this after that AP test?
No, I won't.
By far the highlight of this entire year has been festival. Pretty sure there's another festival praising post in there somewhere but this year was something even more special. We wrote our own play, which started as a class in the fall.
We spent seven months together. And at the end, I loved everyone. Once again, I got adopted by the people who played my family - Mama, Papa Bear, Bad Ass Sis and our little brother who it really sucks to be. But we were one big famglia. Our show was one of three student written pieces to make it to finals and no one else had a process just like ours. It was a long long long experience with multiple cast parties to match the very many hell weeks. I met new people and got so much closer to the people I already knew. And this year wasn't tainted by all the craziness relationship wise. I've got so much stress in my life regardless that I've traded in the stressy people for their more chill counterparts.
K, Enough mush.
This spring promises to be equally crazy with APs and SATs and all. But I'm trying to relax more and plan my life out. The whole "every test you take now decides your future", yeah that part of life isn't so great. On the other hand, summer is almost here. This time next year I'll be in London - which means that from now until next year I need to work my butt of in order to pay for London.
If I can get through the next couple of weeks... then I have the summer to relax and find a college that I want to spend the next four years of my life.
No biggie.
Well, how was that for a recap post with enough !! and dramatic short sentences. How about I end with one too?
hahaha hahah love to all.