Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random Musings of a Blocked Writer

The last couple of weeks I've had writer's block. Maybe it's because I've been so busy or because It's not so much that I can't write, as it is that while I can, I just don't feel like it as much. I hate this feeling. But I also know not to push it. It'll come back when it comes back and until then I can write little filler pieces and I can get through my lit homework (wow, that's the second time in two posts I've mentioned lit homework). So enjoy another random compilation, this time of the time-wasters I've been filling my time with!
Facebook... the biggest time waster of 'em all.
Pride and Prejudice... A wonderful book!
Rehearsing... Technically not a time waster- but very intense!
Rereading... All those books you read when you're little are better the second time around.
Bad tv... It's just relaxing at the end of the day.
Thinking... Not doing anything is sometimes the most productive of all.
Doodling... I can't draw, but I wish I could. So I doodle to make up for it.


  1. I love time-wasters. How can you not? Bad TV -yeah, that's a big one for me. Also, I spend way too much time on the computer. And that's not even counting how much I read...

  2. Hi! Time waster for me: randomly walking up to my room and back, doing absolutely nothing and internet searches which result in nothing!

    And to Snowflake, I hate wasting time. There are so many things I could be doing, such as reading, writing, practising music and studying, (I suppose I could also do my homework)...

    Oh, and I like the blog, lucky_marlees!
