Friday, June 26, 2009

And now...

Right about now I'm ready to be home.

Not in general.. just right now. See here's what I've realized:

I love the beach every day from about 11 o'clock when I get up until 5:30 or 6. Round about then, without fail I get antsy. By eight I'm usually reaching for my phone looking for someone to text. Don't get me wrong I'm lovin' the beach, the sun, the people. But it's remarkably hard to turn off the striving to socialize. When I'm at home, nights are meant to be filled with friends and movies and late nights and the square and ice cream and public transportation. It's not that I'm not enjoying myself. Because I really really am! I've got a tan slash sunburn depending on the lighting. I smell like ocean and I've seen dolphins on the beach. Tomorrow I'm going running down the beach all the way to the fort. Last night we went to the boardwalk and had fudge and played skii ball and today I won at minigolf for the first time ever! The weather is gorgeous, it's sunny and I wear nothing but shorts.


butButBUT... I have that must-see-people-my-own-age thing kind've wired into me. Even though I'm on vacation and I don't really have anyone here to socialize with, I still feel like I should be getting out of the house and doing things and... As relaxing as this is, it's driving my crazy that I can't go anywhere alone. During the year, I'm always saying oh I just need a break from facebook/AIM/texts/socializing. And I've had that. Now I'd really like to vacation and relax in the mornings and afternoons and then chose what to do/where to be in the night. Is that too much to ask? Yes, yes it is. Somehow the not socializing has become more stressful because I'm being forced to relax. Sounds awful right? I know I shouldn't complain.

Go back to the beach state of mind. And until I get home... socialize for me!

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