Wednesday, August 19, 2009


In the last couple of days almost nothing has gone as planned. In a couple of major ways, events did not pan out as I would have liked. So I spent the day or so feeling bad, as evidenced as the post below.

Today though at mentor training (which was mildly interesting and kind of a mini-first day of school), we kept tossing around "optimism". We had to answer all of these questions and the answer, very simply, kept being optimism. It was mostly a joke but it (combined with a long walk home) got me thinking. Optimism is sort of the answer to my doldrums. I expected some instant grand change in my world, which of course didn't happen because it never does. And then I let the bad stuff cloud my vision. But the truth is, all of this only make the potential for good things that much greater. I love this idea.

In other news I've been working out every day and I just feel so much better. I have ideas if you need them...

Also I'm thinking of starting a new blog with a friend of mine. Thoughts on blogspot vs. some other provider?

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